Chess club notes:
Main Line Chess Club (link has more info, map) St. Georges Church, 1 W Ardmore Avenue in Ardmore Tues 7 PM; $30 adults, $20 age <18), $50 family.
- Players of all ages, strengths welcome; G/65, d/10; G/45 available for those who have to leave early
- A free USCF rated game most nights for members who arrive by 7:20
- also has an online version via LiChess
PA State Chess Federation's list of PA Chess Clubs (may be vacant)
New Jersey Chess
...another unofficial but large List of Many NJ Chess Clubs (if you can't find one above, try here!)
List of US Chess Federation Affiliates/Clubs
Clubs by area (* => primarily a scholastic, K-12 emphasis):
Montgomery County
Chaturanga CC in Hatboro - besides link, can also e-mail Pres Jorge Amador for more info - Wed evenings - Lots of Tournaments!
*Shining Knights Chess - Includes after-school clubs; (866) 576-8090
PennWynne Chess Club - Penn Wynne library, ages 7-10, last Wed of the month
North Penn CC in Landsdale - Fridays at 7 PM
Rowland CC Rowland Community Center, Cheltenham. Scholastic, first and third Monday each month, contact Tom Petersen at [email protected]
Telford Informal Chess Group - 7:30 PM, Every Wed. at Christ Reformed Church, 171 Church Road, Telford, PA 18969.
Main Line CC - see above
Huntingdon Valley Chess Society Juniors - No longer active...Scholastic! Open to K-12 from any school
Rittenhouse Chess - somewhat a replacement for the Franklin-Mercantile CC downtown. Wednesdays at 6:00 and Sundays at 1:00. Free.
University of Pennsylvania CC
MasterMinds CC - Tournaments 2nd Sat each month at Tech-Freire Charter School, 2221 N Broad St 19132: Open Quad and/or K-12 4-Rd Swiss
Franklin-Mercantile CC - No longer active?! Only area club that was open 7 days per week! 2012 Walnut Street.
Drexel Chess Club Contact Club President Aravind Ponukumati
*PhilaChess: Masterman High School Chess
Philadelphia "all area" chess club (online via
Outdoor chess at LOVE PARK; the block between 15th & 16th Streets, Arch & JFK Boulevard
CBS CC; Saturday nights at 7+ PM; CBS Community Center, 198 Tomlinson Rd. Philadelphia, Meet in the basement.
*ASAP list of youth chess clubs in Philadelphia
DMV Chess (from out-of-town) holds periodic tournaments in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill (take link for dates!)
Delaware/Chester Counties
Main Line Chess and Games - Paoli - Facebook page - note: NOT the same as the Main Line Chess Club
West Chester CC - USCF rated swiss Thur 7-11 PM (7-7:30 Reg), 1st Presbyterian Church, 130 West Miner St, West Chester, PA; e-mail Steve Volpone.
*Chess for Homeschoolers? -Haverford Township Library, 1601 Darby Rd, Havertown; Tues 11 AM-12:30; All ages/skills; bring set
Delaware Valley Chess Club - Radnor Memorial Library, 114 W. Wayne Ave, Wayne, Pa 19087, Wed 2-5 PM
*Radnor Memorial Library -114 W. Wayne Ave., Wayne PA 19087. Young Adults (Scholastic) Club Friday 6-9 PM
Tri-Bridges Chess Club: 666 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 19341. Classes Mon, Wed & Thu. Free club every Tuesday. Tournaments on various Fri, Sat, and/or Sun. Contact Joshua Anderson
St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 199 W Baltimore Pike, Clifton Heights, PA 19018, 11 AM to 3 PM Saturdays, email Tony
Park Avenue Community Center (PAC Center), 129 Park Ave, Swarthmore, PA 19081, 6 to 9 PM Mondays. Mostly kids, Beginner lessons available. email Tony
Media Chess Club - Tuesdays at 6:30 - 350 West State Street, Media, PA 19063; [email protected]
Bucks County
Bucks County CC - Barnes and Noble: The Court Shopping Center @ Oxford Valley, 210 Commerce Blvd, Fairless Hills; Thurs 7:30 PM, Café area - (215) 269-0442
*Saturday Morning Chess - Yardley Library - 10:30 AM
Bristol Knights CC - Meets every other Friday BCHF Building 321 Cedar St. Bristol Boro. 7-8:30 PM. Club email no longer worked; defunct?
Other PA Areas
York CC - York Emporium, 343 West Market Street, York PA 17401, Thursdays 6 - 9 pm.
Harrisburg West Shore CC
Penn State (State College) - PSU also has a second link for different info
Red Rose CC (Lancaster) Rodney Park, corner of Rodney and Chrystal
Lehigh Valley Chess Association - Friday 6:30 - Weekly Blitz; Saturday's - G/40,d5 Quads (Fri and Sat different sites; see website for info).
North East Berks Chess Club - Fleetwood Library every 1st and 3rd Thursday 6-8 pm. Open to anyone; Info: Greg
Downingtown Regional Chess Club – Wed 4-6:30, Lions Share Diner Meeting Room- Route 100, Lionville; Fri Tournaments, Glenmoore Methodist Church, Route 282 Glenmoore; Any player K-12 is welcome. Mark Wood (president) 717-475-6473
Allentown CC - 2nd Saturday (?) - one event/month
Other Local States (NJ, NY, DE):
Greater Cherry Hill Swiss/ Quads 2 Saturday's per month, see
Central Jersey Monthly Scholastic Tournament - Open to K-12, any school or state. 2 non-rated & 4 USCF-rated sections. 1 Sat/month at Princeton Academy (1128 Great Rd, Princeton), individual and team trophies, medals in each section.
South Jersey Chess Club: S. Jersey / Philly Action Wednesdays 7-9 PM - Voorhees Town Center Open 5SS G/10, $80 first B/20 Voorhees NJ; More info
Greater Somerset Cty (NJ) CC - Tues 7:30 PM -48 Surrey Drive, Hillsborough; Dave Fulton 908-672-4792
Viking CC -Star Dust Diner, Route #46, Hackettstown NJ, Wed 7:30; 908-852-0385; Last Sat Quads, Ken Thomas
Hamilton Chess Club - Ray Dwier Recreation Bldg; Mercer County Road, Route 609 Groveville; Ed Sytnik (609)758-2326; Wed 7:30-10:30pm; some Sat Quads
Hoboken Chess Club G/30 Master event Tuesdays at the Marshall CC (NY) - by Masterman's Greg Shahade; click on "Exciting New..."
Newark (Delaware) Chess Club - Thur, 7 PM, Union U.M.Church at 345 School Bell Road in Bear DE. Contact Rick Lathem 302-368-8569
* Delaware Chess Club
Link for a list of Clubs in New Jersey
Online: Dan Heisman Learning Center; Internet Chess Club
Guide to Periodic Club Tournaments:
- Clubs are NOT only for good players. They are for anyone who wants to attend and play.
- You don't have to be able to make a club every week to join (or attend). No club could exist if they required you to attend 52 weeks a year!
- Everyone is a stranger the first time they attend a club. But if the club is friendly and you are amenable, that won't last long.
- Club doesn't have an activity you want? Volunteer to run such an activity. That usually works.
- Students should consider scholastic tournaments - don't be put off by the name "tournament" - would you come if we called them "Kids Chess Festivals"?
- If you have an update/correction/addition to this page, please email me with the details, thanks!
Main Line Chess Club (link has more info, map) St. Georges Church, 1 W Ardmore Avenue in Ardmore Tues 7 PM; $30 adults, $20 age <18), $50 family.
- Players of all ages, strengths welcome; G/65, d/10; G/45 available for those who have to leave early
- A free USCF rated game most nights for members who arrive by 7:20
- also has an online version via LiChess
PA State Chess Federation's list of PA Chess Clubs (may be vacant)
New Jersey Chess
...another unofficial but large List of Many NJ Chess Clubs (if you can't find one above, try here!)
List of US Chess Federation Affiliates/Clubs
Clubs by area (* => primarily a scholastic, K-12 emphasis):
Montgomery County
Chaturanga CC in Hatboro - besides link, can also e-mail Pres Jorge Amador for more info - Wed evenings - Lots of Tournaments!
*Shining Knights Chess - Includes after-school clubs; (866) 576-8090
PennWynne Chess Club - Penn Wynne library, ages 7-10, last Wed of the month
North Penn CC in Landsdale - Fridays at 7 PM
Rowland CC Rowland Community Center, Cheltenham. Scholastic, first and third Monday each month, contact Tom Petersen at [email protected]
Telford Informal Chess Group - 7:30 PM, Every Wed. at Christ Reformed Church, 171 Church Road, Telford, PA 18969.
Main Line CC - see above
Huntingdon Valley Chess Society Juniors - No longer active...Scholastic! Open to K-12 from any school
Rittenhouse Chess - somewhat a replacement for the Franklin-Mercantile CC downtown. Wednesdays at 6:00 and Sundays at 1:00. Free.
University of Pennsylvania CC
MasterMinds CC - Tournaments 2nd Sat each month at Tech-Freire Charter School, 2221 N Broad St 19132: Open Quad and/or K-12 4-Rd Swiss
Franklin-Mercantile CC - No longer active?! Only area club that was open 7 days per week! 2012 Walnut Street.
Drexel Chess Club Contact Club President Aravind Ponukumati
*PhilaChess: Masterman High School Chess
Philadelphia "all area" chess club (online via
Outdoor chess at LOVE PARK; the block between 15th & 16th Streets, Arch & JFK Boulevard
CBS CC; Saturday nights at 7+ PM; CBS Community Center, 198 Tomlinson Rd. Philadelphia, Meet in the basement.
*ASAP list of youth chess clubs in Philadelphia
DMV Chess (from out-of-town) holds periodic tournaments in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill (take link for dates!)
Delaware/Chester Counties
Main Line Chess and Games - Paoli - Facebook page - note: NOT the same as the Main Line Chess Club
West Chester CC - USCF rated swiss Thur 7-11 PM (7-7:30 Reg), 1st Presbyterian Church, 130 West Miner St, West Chester, PA; e-mail Steve Volpone.
*Chess for Homeschoolers? -Haverford Township Library, 1601 Darby Rd, Havertown; Tues 11 AM-12:30; All ages/skills; bring set
Delaware Valley Chess Club - Radnor Memorial Library, 114 W. Wayne Ave, Wayne, Pa 19087, Wed 2-5 PM
*Radnor Memorial Library -114 W. Wayne Ave., Wayne PA 19087. Young Adults (Scholastic) Club Friday 6-9 PM
Tri-Bridges Chess Club: 666 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 19341. Classes Mon, Wed & Thu. Free club every Tuesday. Tournaments on various Fri, Sat, and/or Sun. Contact Joshua Anderson
St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 199 W Baltimore Pike, Clifton Heights, PA 19018, 11 AM to 3 PM Saturdays, email Tony
Park Avenue Community Center (PAC Center), 129 Park Ave, Swarthmore, PA 19081, 6 to 9 PM Mondays. Mostly kids, Beginner lessons available. email Tony
Media Chess Club - Tuesdays at 6:30 - 350 West State Street, Media, PA 19063; [email protected]
Bucks County
Bucks County CC - Barnes and Noble: The Court Shopping Center @ Oxford Valley, 210 Commerce Blvd, Fairless Hills; Thurs 7:30 PM, Café area - (215) 269-0442
*Saturday Morning Chess - Yardley Library - 10:30 AM
Bristol Knights CC - Meets every other Friday BCHF Building 321 Cedar St. Bristol Boro. 7-8:30 PM. Club email no longer worked; defunct?
Other PA Areas
York CC - York Emporium, 343 West Market Street, York PA 17401, Thursdays 6 - 9 pm.
Harrisburg West Shore CC
Penn State (State College) - PSU also has a second link for different info
Red Rose CC (Lancaster) Rodney Park, corner of Rodney and Chrystal
Lehigh Valley Chess Association - Friday 6:30 - Weekly Blitz; Saturday's - G/40,d5 Quads (Fri and Sat different sites; see website for info).
North East Berks Chess Club - Fleetwood Library every 1st and 3rd Thursday 6-8 pm. Open to anyone; Info: Greg
Downingtown Regional Chess Club – Wed 4-6:30, Lions Share Diner Meeting Room- Route 100, Lionville; Fri Tournaments, Glenmoore Methodist Church, Route 282 Glenmoore; Any player K-12 is welcome. Mark Wood (president) 717-475-6473
Allentown CC - 2nd Saturday (?) - one event/month
Other Local States (NJ, NY, DE):
Greater Cherry Hill Swiss/ Quads 2 Saturday's per month, see
Central Jersey Monthly Scholastic Tournament - Open to K-12, any school or state. 2 non-rated & 4 USCF-rated sections. 1 Sat/month at Princeton Academy (1128 Great Rd, Princeton), individual and team trophies, medals in each section.
South Jersey Chess Club: S. Jersey / Philly Action Wednesdays 7-9 PM - Voorhees Town Center Open 5SS G/10, $80 first B/20 Voorhees NJ; More info
Greater Somerset Cty (NJ) CC - Tues 7:30 PM -48 Surrey Drive, Hillsborough; Dave Fulton 908-672-4792
Viking CC -Star Dust Diner, Route #46, Hackettstown NJ, Wed 7:30; 908-852-0385; Last Sat Quads, Ken Thomas
Hamilton Chess Club - Ray Dwier Recreation Bldg; Mercer County Road, Route 609 Groveville; Ed Sytnik (609)758-2326; Wed 7:30-10:30pm; some Sat Quads
Hoboken Chess Club G/30 Master event Tuesdays at the Marshall CC (NY) - by Masterman's Greg Shahade; click on "Exciting New..."
Newark (Delaware) Chess Club - Thur, 7 PM, Union U.M.Church at 345 School Bell Road in Bear DE. Contact Rick Lathem 302-368-8569
* Delaware Chess Club
Link for a list of Clubs in New Jersey
Online: Dan Heisman Learning Center; Internet Chess Club
Guide to Periodic Club Tournaments:
- What – Weekly (or monthly) tournaments held for club members (monthly tournaments may be open to all) For example, the North Penn Chess Club in Landsdale hosts a monthly tournament, usually the third Saturday of the month at the St. John’s United Church of Christ at Rt. 63 and Richardson, as does the Allentown Chess Club on the 2nd Saturday each month. Masterminds has two tournaments per month. These are just examples. See the above or contact the above for the latest information.
- Where – Many of the above clubs - see listings above or check phone/e-mail
- When – Weekly tournament's are on each club's meeting dates (Main Line CC: Tue; North Penn CC: Fri; West Chester CC: Wed); others on weekends. The Main Line Chess Club holds quarterly "Quads" and weekly rated games on Tuesday nights at Waverly Heights Life Care Retirement Community Center, 1400 Waverly Rd., Gladwyne, PA (see map on the Main Line Chess Club page)
- Who – For all ages. Check on the web or in the last pages of Chess Life Magazine for details