(The Traxler Counterattack, a.k.a. The Computer Analyzes the Traxler - this required the most work of any of my books!
Publisher: Pickard and Son - web site: Chess Central; book webpage
Book Overview: An Electronic Opening Book. Available in CD-ROM or downloadable. The book that took the most work! I used the computer to analyze every known variation of this super-sharp opening (also known as the Wilkes-Barre Variation of the Two Knights Defense: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5?!). I saved all the analysis in ChessBase format so that it can not only be a hardcopy book with the analysis, but also an electronic book (e-book) for those who wish 1,500 additional games and to study using ChessBase Lite (free) or ChessBase. I was able to either verify, clarify, extend, or yes,even refute, almost every line of published theory on this very sharp line!
Dan's blurb for the CD cover: "This e-book has been nominated for the 2000 Cramer Award. NM Dan Heisman, a member of the International Computer Chess Association, spent over 2 years anaylzing the ultra-sharp Traxler (Wilkes-Barre Two Knights) variation with computer software. The result is almost all new analysis which completely changes the theory of this old opening. Includes 50 surveys covering all existing and new lines - the equivalent of about a 1,000 page book! Complete with training database and about 1,500 sample games, many annotated. Uses ChessBase Lite (free; downloadable) or ChessBase."
Suggested Rating Range: 1400-2800
This week in Chess' IM John Watson says about Dan's Traxler CD e-book: "This may be the most thorough work ever on a particular subject!" - Read his entire review near the end of his chess book review article
Publisher: Pickard and Son - web site: Chess Central; book webpage
Book Overview: An Electronic Opening Book. Available in CD-ROM or downloadable. The book that took the most work! I used the computer to analyze every known variation of this super-sharp opening (also known as the Wilkes-Barre Variation of the Two Knights Defense: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5?!). I saved all the analysis in ChessBase format so that it can not only be a hardcopy book with the analysis, but also an electronic book (e-book) for those who wish 1,500 additional games and to study using ChessBase Lite (free) or ChessBase. I was able to either verify, clarify, extend, or yes,even refute, almost every line of published theory on this very sharp line!
Dan's blurb for the CD cover: "This e-book has been nominated for the 2000 Cramer Award. NM Dan Heisman, a member of the International Computer Chess Association, spent over 2 years anaylzing the ultra-sharp Traxler (Wilkes-Barre Two Knights) variation with computer software. The result is almost all new analysis which completely changes the theory of this old opening. Includes 50 surveys covering all existing and new lines - the equivalent of about a 1,000 page book! Complete with training database and about 1,500 sample games, many annotated. Uses ChessBase Lite (free; downloadable) or ChessBase."
Suggested Rating Range: 1400-2800
This week in Chess' IM John Watson says about Dan's Traxler CD e-book: "This may be the most thorough work ever on a particular subject!" - Read his entire review near the end of his chess book review article