...A precursor to Novice Nook columns
Publisher: Thinker's Press - Greatly expanded second edition now out from Mongoose Press in 2018!
Book Overview: After you learn how to move the pieces and the basic rules for checkmate, castling, etc, this book discusses what you have to learn next. Much of the book discusses "board vision" and how you develop it. Many generic tips for beginners, including most common misconceptions about starting chess, misunderstood rules, chess etiquette, etc.
From the ChessCo Web Site (2000):
EVERYONE'S 2nd CHESS BOOK - By Dan Heisman is being proofed and may be the best book ever written for newcomers or children. [emphasis mine - DH] The examples, anecdotes and explanations are right on. Find out why your child insists on doing things which give Daddies the world over, heart attacks. The book is basically about Chess/Board Vision. About 100 pages, easy-to-read type. Available soon. [Wow!] This is the perfect book for young people, parents, and new players as it takes a coach's look at why certain things go wrong and what to do about them. (Posted Sept 28, 2000)
Here is a plug for Everyone's 2nd Chess Book from Searching for Bobby Fischer real-life Coach Bruce Pandolfini in his Q&A column on the web:
"Question: I am a grade 5 teacher and incorporate the game of chess throughout my class curriculum. I am looking for 2 things really: a good internet chess site that you could recommend, where my students can play against other opponents; and a school teacher's guide for the incorporation of chess into the classroom (if you know of any such books/texts). Mary Beth Osburn (USA)
[Pandolfini] Answer: There are a number of Internet sites offering live chess, such as the Internet Chess Club, the USCF, Its Your Turn, and Yahoo. Why don’t you sample a few of these and see which one appeals to you the most. For guides you can try either the U.S. Chess Federation or Chess-in-the-Schools, both of which should be able to provide help and suggestions on literature. You might also take a look at Dan Heisman’s excellent new work, Everyone’s 2nd Chess Book. It has all kinds of useful suggestions for learning and teaching the game." !!
Tweet from DV: "Fresh from Amazon... Can’t wait to hook into this. @danheisman is in the business of producing absolute gems. #chess"
Suggested Rating Range: 800-1700
Errata on 2nd printing, 2nd diagram page 39: There should be a black rook on d8
Dan's Picture on the back cover of the book
Raymond Smullyan's autobiography: click "back cover" on left!
Publisher: Thinker's Press - Greatly expanded second edition now out from Mongoose Press in 2018!
Book Overview: After you learn how to move the pieces and the basic rules for checkmate, castling, etc, this book discusses what you have to learn next. Much of the book discusses "board vision" and how you develop it. Many generic tips for beginners, including most common misconceptions about starting chess, misunderstood rules, chess etiquette, etc.
From the ChessCo Web Site (2000):
EVERYONE'S 2nd CHESS BOOK - By Dan Heisman is being proofed and may be the best book ever written for newcomers or children. [emphasis mine - DH] The examples, anecdotes and explanations are right on. Find out why your child insists on doing things which give Daddies the world over, heart attacks. The book is basically about Chess/Board Vision. About 100 pages, easy-to-read type. Available soon. [Wow!] This is the perfect book for young people, parents, and new players as it takes a coach's look at why certain things go wrong and what to do about them. (Posted Sept 28, 2000)
Here is a plug for Everyone's 2nd Chess Book from Searching for Bobby Fischer real-life Coach Bruce Pandolfini in his Q&A column on the web:
"Question: I am a grade 5 teacher and incorporate the game of chess throughout my class curriculum. I am looking for 2 things really: a good internet chess site that you could recommend, where my students can play against other opponents; and a school teacher's guide for the incorporation of chess into the classroom (if you know of any such books/texts). Mary Beth Osburn (USA)
[Pandolfini] Answer: There are a number of Internet sites offering live chess, such as the Internet Chess Club, the USCF, Its Your Turn, and Yahoo. Why don’t you sample a few of these and see which one appeals to you the most. For guides you can try either the U.S. Chess Federation or Chess-in-the-Schools, both of which should be able to provide help and suggestions on literature. You might also take a look at Dan Heisman’s excellent new work, Everyone’s 2nd Chess Book. It has all kinds of useful suggestions for learning and teaching the game." !!
Tweet from DV: "Fresh from Amazon... Can’t wait to hook into this. @danheisman is in the business of producing absolute gems. #chess"
Suggested Rating Range: 800-1700
Errata on 2nd printing, 2nd diagram page 39: There should be a black rook on d8
Dan's Picture on the back cover of the book
Raymond Smullyan's autobiography: click "back cover" on left!