Tim Krabbe's Incredible Chess Curiosities Page - you could spend your life here...
Bill Wall's also voluminous Chess Page - you could spend your second life here...
AJ's Chess Homepage - third life, coming up?
Rook Van Winke's Chess Blog - Yet another extensive site with thousands of helpful and fantastic chess links
Retrograde Chess - problems where you have to figure out what happened!
World Federation for Chess Compositions - includes large and helpful software links and downloads
Elo rating system win probabilities (vis rating difference) Highest ever Elo ratings
Chessville Forum - Lots of Chess Chat
Chess Mazes - A set of mazes which follow special rules
Pronunciation of chess terms
The Kenilworthian Blog - A fantastically well done chess blog site with something for everyone - try it!
Katherine Neville's website - author of chess-based novels "The Eight" and "The Fire" - I helped Katherine find Alisa Melekhina as a model for the heroine in The Fire
Pete Tamburro's puzzle site: Fun and challenging
The Chess Movie site: Primarily submitted videos, but extensive!
The Musical Chess (PBS version) - YouTube Sample: The Arbiter
Movies and Chess: Their 10 best chess movies
CanStockPhoto - Over 30,000 free chess photos
Chess Quotes: A large collection of 300 chess quotes
Nutrition during a chess game (a copy of the Dec 2008 Chess Life article)
Chess Personality Quiz - 20 short questions and fun
Chronos Chess Clock - How to Set Video - The official manual is poorly written, so this online supplements should help!
Bill Wall's also voluminous Chess Page - you could spend your second life here...
AJ's Chess Homepage - third life, coming up?
Rook Van Winke's Chess Blog - Yet another extensive site with thousands of helpful and fantastic chess links
Retrograde Chess - problems where you have to figure out what happened!
World Federation for Chess Compositions - includes large and helpful software links and downloads
Elo rating system win probabilities (vis rating difference) Highest ever Elo ratings
Chessville Forum - Lots of Chess Chat
Chess Mazes - A set of mazes which follow special rules
Pronunciation of chess terms
The Kenilworthian Blog - A fantastically well done chess blog site with something for everyone - try it!
Katherine Neville's website - author of chess-based novels "The Eight" and "The Fire" - I helped Katherine find Alisa Melekhina as a model for the heroine in The Fire
Pete Tamburro's puzzle site: Fun and challenging
The Chess Movie site: Primarily submitted videos, but extensive!
The Musical Chess (PBS version) - YouTube Sample: The Arbiter
Movies and Chess: Their 10 best chess movies
CanStockPhoto - Over 30,000 free chess photos
Chess Quotes: A large collection of 300 chess quotes
Nutrition during a chess game (a copy of the Dec 2008 Chess Life article)
Chess Personality Quiz - 20 short questions and fun
Chronos Chess Clock - How to Set Video - The official manual is poorly written, so this online supplements should help!