See the Videos Page for general information on viewing these videos.
Thought Process and General Improvement Videos
- Introduction to Pawns
- Introduction to Thought Process
- Thought Process (2): Analytical and Non-Analytical Positions
- Theory of Chess Improvement
- Introduction to Time Management
- Evaluation Criteria
- Common Evaluation Misconceptions
- Break Moves
- Guide to P-R3
- The 20-minute Exercise*
- The Maung Lesson - This video is similar to the beginning of Chapter 8 in Everyone's Second Chess Book
- Introduction to Mobility and Activity** - PrizeFighter tells you: the video on mobility and activity is the best video I have ever seen on chess.
- It's a Different Game When You're Way Ahead
- More Pawns in the Middle Is Good
- The Margin for Error
- Strategy Based on Central Pawn Structure
- Examples of Chess Logic
- A Key Part of the Thought Process*
- 20 Minute Exercise #2
- The Most Important Strategic Decisions
- Avoid the Common Quiescence Error (also categorized below under "Tactics and Safety")
- The Three Types of Chess Vision* - Stefjohn wrote: "3TCV is one of your very best videos ever!! Creative and truly groundbreaking work!! Delightful puzzles and your final combo terrific! Never dreamed of conceiving of chess & mind in this way. *****Outstanding!! Thank you. I'll be reviewing this one many times." - see also IM Daniel Rensch's two-part video series on improving visualizing skills
- Initial and Final Candidate Moves
- 20 Minute Exercise #3
- Identifying Candidate Moves
- 20 Minute Exercise #4
- Pawns - Majority Rolls and Bishops in the Opening
- Using Computer Engine to Analyze on ICC
- 20 Minute Exercise #5
- The Mythical Capture with the Least Valuable Piece principle
- Hope Chess, Hand-Waving, and Acquiescing
- Special 64th Birthday: 4 Problems
- Twenty Minute Exercise #6
- An overview of "Planning"
- Pattern Recognition is Not Sufficient
- 20-minute exercise #7
- Move by Move Chess Book Series